Café Pour Favor

You're always welcome

Good coffee isn't just the kind that you find at the end of a journey, its the kind that you share at the beginning, middle and end with friends and family.


Arman's Pour-Over

Arman makes some Counter Culture Hologram


Tom's Pour-Over

Tom makes some MOK Brazil, Sitio Sertaozinho


Eric's Aeropress

Eric making some Counter Culture Hologram on the Aeropress


Brewing methods

No matter how you enjoy your coffee there are differnt styles for different moods and moments. Here are some of the more popular brewing methods. If you find a new one that you're unfamiliar with, give it a try!


Espresso is prepared by pushing hot water through a layer of compacted ground coffee, contained in a port-filter.

Drip Coffee

Drip coffee or filter coffee involves pouring hot water over ground coffee beans.

Moka Pot

Moka pot is a device for making coffee that uses steam pressure to push water through coffee grinds.

Cold Brew

Cold brew involves steeping coffee grinds for extended periods of time, then straining it and serving it cold or hot.


Aeropress is a manual coffee process where you steep then push the brew through the coffee grounds under pressure.

French Press

French press, or press pot, is a very simple coffee brewing device with a beaker and a plunger/filter.

The Coffee Song

Written by Bob Hilliard & Dick Miles

Way down among Brazilians
Coffee beans grow by the billions
So they’ve got to find those extra cups to fill
They’ve got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil

You can’t get cherry soda
Cause they’ve gotta sell their quota
And the way things are I guess they never will
They’ve got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil


Sergi's coffee grinder